Saturday, December 17, 2011

Random Thoughts....

I'm home, relaxing & enjoying myself. It's nothing like having "ME" time. I love my son!! He is my everything!! A lot of random thoughts on my mind....marriage, more children, finishing school, time, patience, love, music, spirituality etc. I spent Friday night until Saturday afternoon at my aunt house...I absolutely adore spending time with my family!! It was truly a great start to my weekend. I found out I'm going to be a God Mommy...Super excited about that :-D The new year is approaching & i just want to focus all my positive energy on school, saving, exercising &...I'm still adding to my list!! Listening to Avery Sunshine's song "Like This" Please check Ms. Sunshine out...she can sang!! Until we chat again....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ain't Nothing Like A Man...

Ain't nothing like a man. You hear me ladies?? I love everything about a man. His hands, lips, arms & his physique. I have seen some good looking men but its not just about the looks. It's about  what's in the inside that makes a man attractive to me. Men are not perfect, they don't understand us women at times, but even with all that being said we still love them and vice versa. There are reasons why we need a man around ladies. We don't need them all the time, but we need them sometimes. They can do things we enjoy them doing. lol but we will leave it at that. I say all this to say, I enjoy the company of man, my man *wink* I enjoy falling asleep to the sound of his heart beat. I enjoy the way his skin feels on mines. How he rubs his feet on my feet to warm them up. His lips that are so soft which take me a sweet place...ard that's enough but ya'll get the idea. I enjoy a man as much as a man enjoys me. My man that is. Ain't nothing like a man, You hear me ladies?? 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inspire to be Inspired

Just the word inspire is inspiring. I have truly been inspired this week. I have faith. Sometimes you have to inspire yourself, or be inspired by the things around you. Being inspired for me is almost an overwhelming feeling, I feel rejuvinated. I'm just at a  place in my life where the future is near and I need to act upon it now. I have put things on the back burner that I am deeply passionate about because I didn't think I could nurture them and still live/accomplish other things in my day to day life. However, at this moment in time I'm INSPIRED and I shall not wait anymore. If it's something that I really want to do, and I feel like it's my calling...all I need to have is FAITH. Faith that big daddy GOD will guide me to where I want to be. To be inspired and to inspire is truly a blessing. I heard someone say "FAITH is and action word. You can say your going to do something and that you have faith but if you don't actually do something and you just have faith, nothing will get done." So put your FAITH into ACTION. Be INSPIRED or INSPIRE someone. I hope that I have inspired YOU. XOXO

Monday, November 28, 2011

My thoughts on love...

As I have grown over the years, Love has always been an important factor in my life. As I have grown and experienced, loved gain, love lost, been hurt, been inspired...I am greatful to still be able to love considering the pain that came along with loving. In my eyes loving & being loved has been an amazing experience. I don't regret my past nor present experiences with Love. Love can be hard, happy, sad, amazing, beautiful, inspiring and all of the above. However, the most important thing about love is being able to love yourself so that you can be able to show someone how you want to be loved. I didn't quite understand what that meant until I got a little older in age and stronger in spirit. Self love is the best love and the first step to help you get to that special kinda of love that your soul seeks. I have been in several long term relationships. None of them were the same & I left each with a lesson learned an a experience that was meant to be experience. Love can come to you at anytime in your life but if you are not mentally or spiritually mature to accept it than it can be misinterpreted. I say all of this to say that love is a beautiful thing with the right two people involved and they both are willing to do whether it takes to make it work!! Shout to my loves my son & my babe xoxo