I recently went to a Kindred The Family Soul concert. During the concert Aja (the wife) starting talking to the audience about loving yourself "First" before you try to love someone else. Aja also stated that marriage isn't easy. It requires all of you and your time. She said that her marriage is 24hrs/365 days of the year kind of work. It's far from perfect but it's working for her and Fatin (the husband ). She continued to say that she is grateful to be an inspiration to others however, what works for her marriage may not work for others. This is why I love Kindred the Family Soul. They are honest people. They are so humble. That message she gave was exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes you can spend so much time trying to love somebody else that you forget about loving yourself. If you are not happy with being alone and just loving yourself, how can you love and make someone else happy?? As a women we want the ideal relationship with the man of our dreams but reality is, that ideal man doesn't really exist. No man is perfect and no women is perfect. You just have to find someone who is worth the experience, growth, ups and downs ect. There is someone for everyone.