Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Approaching 30...What is my purpose/passion in life?

My 30th birthday is less than a month a way. Lately I have found myself doing a lot of reflecting and evaluating my life overall. I have thought about the past and what I have experienced. The present and the future. I have been blessed beyond my measures. I am grateful, thoughtful and appreciative for all God has done and is doing in my life. However, one thing that has been on my mind more than anything is "what my purpose/passion in life is?" There are many things that I can be great at yet, I am just unsure of what my purpose is. I am happy overall with my life however, I feel like knowing my purpose would be the cherry on top. I have career goals that i am interested in such as Pharamacy Technician and Physical Therapy but they are not my passion and I don't feel like they are my purpose. As I head into the next chapter in  life I want to become more disciplined in my actions and more focused and determined on my goals. I want to find my passion and purpose in life. I want to wake-up everyday knowing that I am living not only  as a mother, a daughter, sister, cousin, friend, auntie ect. But that I know my purpose and passion in life. It's so important to me to find out what it is. I know my 30's will be filled with more love, more happiness, more loving friends and family, more memories and more blessings. I want to enter this age pure as possible in my mind body and spirit. I want to fully connect with the truest depth of myself and emerge fully in my purpose. I am welcoming my 30's with open arms and trusting that God will help reveal what my purpose and passion are in this life. 30 is a new beginning and a new chapter of growth.


  1. Thank you for your post!I am dealing with the same concerns. Every morning I wake up asking the universe what is my purpose. I have been listening(can't find the time to read)to many books and the biggest way to find an answet is through meditation. My next goal is to squeeze that into my daily routine. I know at this point you have figured out your passion and it definitely fits you. This post was a sure reminder of where my focus needs to be. I wish you success with living a passionate life sister!

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I greatly appreciate it. Finding your passion/purpise in life takes time. It maybe something that you do daily and you don't even know that it's your passion. Take time to study yourself and I am sure you will discover your passion/purpose in life. Many blessings to you!
