Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Being Thankful

I am just Thankful!!

Lately, I have found myself being more and more thankful for the little things and the big things. It's so much going on in the world and it's so many distractions from the things that are truly important in our lives. We sometimes get caught up in the things that are not going right that we take away from the things that Are!! Take time to reflect on how far you have come in life. Look back on those times that you didn't have what you wanted or what you needed. Now, you have both. Remember the things that you prayed for more than often and now you have them. And if if you do not have them, maybe you are not ready to receive them. God already has worked things out for us but we sometimes worry ourselves when things don't happen when we think they should. Just know God's timing is perfect. Be thankful for all that you have experienced. All that you learned over the years in your life. Never stop being Thankful. God didn't have to do it but He did. I try to spend less time complaining and more time being Thankful. Is it hard? Yes! I didn't say it was easy. We have to train our minds and our thoughts to always be positive and not to just think about ourselves. It will always be someone in the world who has it much much worst than we think we do. Try thinking of that when you feel like you're  about to complain. I try to spend some of my time in silence and reflecting. Constantly reminding myself how far I have come and how much further I have to go. I am not perfect, I promise you I am human and I make mistakes. However, I do my best to learn from them. I surround myself with ppl who are on a journey to be the best version of themselves. We all want to be great and live in our fullest potential. Just remember to be thankful. We always pray to God, asking for something. Let's pray to God and just say "thank you". Thank you for blessings me even when I felt I didn't deserve it. Thank you for helping me push through when I felt like giving up. Thank you for making me smile when I wanted to cry. Thank you for surrounding me with love and favor. Thank you for allowing me to breath and to be healthy. Just Thank You! Live everyday being Thankful for the little and the big blessings in your life. Being Thankful can take you to a deeper spiritual place in the deptb of your soul.

Be blessed! Be Inspired! Be Encouraged! Be Thankful!

-Sending love and light to you all ❤

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Approaching 30...What is my purpose/passion in life?

My 30th birthday is less than a month a way. Lately I have found myself doing a lot of reflecting and evaluating my life overall. I have thought about the past and what I have experienced. The present and the future. I have been blessed beyond my measures. I am grateful, thoughtful and appreciative for all God has done and is doing in my life. However, one thing that has been on my mind more than anything is "what my purpose/passion in life is?" There are many things that I can be great at yet, I am just unsure of what my purpose is. I am happy overall with my life however, I feel like knowing my purpose would be the cherry on top. I have career goals that i am interested in such as Pharamacy Technician and Physical Therapy but they are not my passion and I don't feel like they are my purpose. As I head into the next chapter in  life I want to become more disciplined in my actions and more focused and determined on my goals. I want to find my passion and purpose in life. I want to wake-up everyday knowing that I am living not only  as a mother, a daughter, sister, cousin, friend, auntie ect. But that I know my purpose and passion in life. It's so important to me to find out what it is. I know my 30's will be filled with more love, more happiness, more loving friends and family, more memories and more blessings. I want to enter this age pure as possible in my mind body and spirit. I want to fully connect with the truest depth of myself and emerge fully in my purpose. I am welcoming my 30's with open arms and trusting that God will help reveal what my purpose and passion are in this life. 30 is a new beginning and a new chapter of growth.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Late Night Thoughts Turned Into A Prayer

     As I lay here in my bed holding my 10 month old daughter with my life partner snoring...I begin to pray. I pray for myself, my children, my life partner, my family and closes friends, my partners family. I realize that I am much more spiritual then I give myself credit for. As I have gotten older in age, I find myself praying more. I still worry a bit, I'm human lol.  However, prayer has become something that I do more than often. I have always had a relationship with God. I remember being afraid to talk to God at a point in my life.I feared He did not hear me and I was unsure what to pray for. As I begin to experience life on numerous level that fear become less of fear and more of faith. God is real. God is "The Most High". God is...just God. I have never been so sure about the presence of God in my life as much as I do now. I find myself being much more thankful and grateful about the big and small things in life. Life is not promised. You have to do your absolute best to enjoy every aspect of your life. Even though I continue to struggle with my own insecurities, I pray that I find my truest, most honest and pure purpose before I leave this earth. I am forever growing and learning the truest parts of me, good and bad. I am discovering things about myself that I  was never  able to understand until now. I not only want to make myself proud but most importantly, I want to make God proud. I want to do what God sent me here to do. I want my relationship with God to continue to grow and mature. I want prayer to become more and more of a daily behavior. God did not have to show me that He was real but He did. For that, a I am beyond thankful and eternally grateful. I owe it all to God. If there was ever a doubt that God is real, I am living proof that God will show up, show out and reveal a lot of things to you. Even when you don't feel like you are worthy enough, God will show you otherwise. You just have to believe and have faith. I say all this to say...that God is working on me. He is doing some serious work and I am open to all the trials and blessings that are forthcoming. God bless you and goodnight!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Love You before loving someone Else

I recently went to a Kindred The Family Soul concert. During the concert Aja (the wife) starting talking to the audience about loving yourself "First"  before you try to love someone else. Aja also stated that marriage isn't easy. It requires all of you and your time. She said that her marriage is 24hrs/365 days of the year kind of work. It's far from perfect but it's working for her and Fatin (the husband ). She continued to say that she is grateful to be an inspiration to others however, what works for her marriage may not work for others. This is why I love Kindred the Family Soul. They are honest people. They are so humble. That message she gave was exactly what I needed to hear.  Sometimes you can spend so much time trying to love somebody else that you forget about loving yourself. If you are not happy with being alone and just loving yourself, how can you love and make someone else happy?? As a women we want the ideal relationship with the man of our dreams but reality is, that ideal man doesn't really exist. No man is perfect and no women is perfect. You just have to find someone who is worth the experience, growth, ups and downs ect. There is someone for everyone.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Love Means To Me...

What love means to me...
When I picture my life with my soul mate/life partner I see a handsome man. I see a nice house, car, a few children. I see us both in our careers and we are very happy. However, there is a flip side to that. I do not necessarily have to be with a man because that's what society potrays.I am very open about my sexuality. Does that make me a lesbian?? No, it makes me aware of my likes and dislikes. I am a strong believer of "Never Say Never". You cannot help who and what you are attracted to. We all have an energy that connects one person to another for whatever reason. Sometimes it's worth exploring and sometimes it's not. In the end be with whom ever makes you happy. It's not always about the gender of the person, race, color,  social class status, financial status ect. It should be solely based on your connection with that person. It's also about how happy you are to be in the presences of the one you admire, adore & love. I never veiw love as beneficial. I always veiw it as free, honest, friendly, and forever growing. Love has no color or any of those things I mentioned. Though it is an action word. Love has always been free. Give love because you have it to give. Not because you want to benefit from what you have given. I love hard & I love very deeply. I have a free spirit. I am unlike any other human being. I am me. I see things in others that they may not see in themselves. I sense others needs just by looking in there face. However, as I have experienced failed relationships & friendship, I am aware of all that I could have done differently. I am aware that some people are just solely meant for you to experience, grow from and move on. As I get older, I become less unapologetic about who I am and who I am going to be. Love has always been the filter in my life. I love me, but not as much as I love to love others. My love comes from giving to others. Sometimes I give too much and I surely have a hard time receiving love. I have much more to learn and a lot more to experience so that I can continue to grow. I am love and love is me. What does love mean to you??

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Forgive When Your Ready...

Forgiving those who hurt you so deep is hard. However, until you forgive you will continue to hold on to that past experience and hurt. Sometimes we become use to the hurt that we are afraid to forgive. We are afraid of what forgiveness will feel like. Forgiveness is not for the one who hurt you it's for YOU!!. You release all that you have experienced and felt from being hurt. You will be free from all hurt and your heart will feel so much lighter. Forgiveness free's you and makes more room for you to receive love and regain happiness. It is hard to forgive and it won't happen overnight. Therefore, when you are ready to forgive, be ready to leave all past experiences and hurt behind for good. I think I am approaching the realm of forgiveness. Not quite there but I am headed in that direction. Always forgive those who hurt you so you can move forward in life. Today is a perfect day to start. Stay blessed. Forgive when your ready!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Something for Nothing

Some men want something for nothing. They expect so much when they're offering so little. What happen to a man perusing a woman?? I really don't want to believe that chivalry is dead. I want to be courted. Is that too much to ask?? Well, it sure as hell seems like it. Don't text me at 12am asking me do I want to chill. Because the answer is no (more like HELL NO). You have not offered to take me out nor have you followed through with the offer that you made previously. Be honest, you don't really want to chill at that time of morning. The dating scence is very dry and boring. Some men have no interest in dating. They're just looking for the next "thing" to test drive. I am not interested in being just another number in your phone. I am trying to become someone's wife. I don't have time to guess what you mean or to figure out what you tryna say. Just be clear, be honest. Let a sista know if you just trying to get something for nothing. I have no more time to waste. I have wasted enough. I know what I want and what I can handle. Dealing with BS is not in my credentials. I don't owe you anything and vice versa. I need a grown man,not a grown boy. 

A grown ass woman :)